Lucy Wrixon

Legal Secretary
  • 01264 400500
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Lucy began her career with us in January 2022 working as Receptionist in our Andover office before moving to our Wills, Probate and Estate Planning department also based in Andover in August 2023 as Legal Secretary.

In her current role, Lucy supports her colleagues in the team with matters relating to their clients, ensuring that they receive the best possible service.  From her time working as our Receptionist, Lucy has an excellent telephone manner and understands the importance of a swift and prompt response.  She finds her role enjoyable as she feels she can play a part in helping our clients and her colleagues, approaching her tasks with a positive and helpful attitude.    

Prior to joining us, Lucy gained her A Levels in Criminology, Sociology and Business Studies in 2020 as well as a Diploma in Reception Skills in 2023. When expressing why she likes working at Parker Bullen, Lucy explains that it is a positive and friendly place to work where everyone truly cares about their clients, the work they do and their careers, with the right encouragement to develop professionally.

Outside of work, Lucy enjoy baking, reading and spending time with her family.