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Employment Law for Employers

Contracts of Employment

The employment contract you present your employees with will be the foundation of their employment with you and it is important that this includes all of the information required and is delivered to them when legally required. 

Employment Contract Advice for Employers

Before offering an employment contract, you should clarify the employment status of the individual.  Following several high profile Employment Tribunal cases in recent years, including Deliveroo and Uber, there are certain criteria that will determine whether your workforce are employees, workers or contractors, and therefore will explain the type of contract or agreement they should be offered. 

An employment contract for employees should generally include the following information:

  • The job title of the individual
  • An overview of their responsibilities
  • Their working hours and clarification of their rest breaks
  • Their remuneration and any benefits
  • Holiday entitlement
  • Maternity, paternity and Shared Parental Leave rights
  • Restrictive covenants (if applicable)
  • Notice period
  • Confidentiality clauses and data protection

This will naturally vary depending on your business, your industry and the role of the employee which is why an employment contract should be tailored towards your organisation and the individual concerned.  Due to the importance of an employment contract, we can offer a review of your employment contracts to ensure they are legally compliant and consistent across your organisation and we can advise if you feel there has been a breach of their employment contract.

Employment Contract Changes

In the situation that there are changes needed to the employment contracts of your employees, these must be done transparently in mutual agreement with your employees.  Legally, you are not permitted to make any changes without consultation with employees and you are not able to force them to sign a new contract.  We can support you with any proposed changes and discuss with you how to effectively hold these discussions with your employees to your mutual benefit.

Contact our Employment Contract Solicitors

For any assistance regarding your employment contracts you can contact a member of our Employment Law team in our offices in AndoverRomseySalisburyTotton or Witney by using the Contact Form, emailing or calling one of the phone numbers below: